Spiritual Adventures


Of all the Scandinavian countries, Norway is considered the most sustainable in the world, bringing to life a vision of the future lived in deep alignment with our planet and its natural resources. Shaping every facet of society from urban planning to electric planes, from zero-emission fjord cruisers to “plogging” and “panting” (community-based, incentivised recycling programs), from slow green fashion to waste-avoiding food sharing apps, Norway is a setting of breathtaking landscapes and breath-inducing, eco-certified living; a setting envisioned by timeless Jewish sensibilities and conjured by Jewish prophets, ancient and contemporary.

Join Rabbi Adina Lewittes and a warm fellowship of 25* travelers for a unique trip through Norway’s urban, rural and natural beauty with an eye towards how to design our future, inside and out. We’ll kick it off in Oslo, exploring the city with professional guides and meeting with leading architects, artists and conservationists. Then we’ll head North, chasing the midnight sun, where we’ll discover majestic fjords by boat and foot, and visit with farmers and foodies who are bringing ancient practices into modern times. We’ll learn about Norway’s unique environment and culture with Dini’s engaging leadership to frame it all with Jewish wisdom and spirituality. And, of course, all along we’ll be sampling Norway’s cuisine inspired by long coastlines and varied terrain, and enjoying its cocktails and microbrews infused with locally sourced ingredients. We’ll even celebrate the summer solstice, Norwegian style!

As the world burns around us with smoke irritating and obscuring not just our views but our vision of a hopeful future for the young people we love, spending time amidst Norway’s majestic cliffs, efficient cities, and among her people who rank as the happiest and calmest in the world, just might restore some of the optimism for which we’re yearning. It will certainly prompt us to wrestle deeply with how Jewish tradition summons us to take more responsibility for the planet and for our collective destiny on earth. As they say in Norway, “Kom opp!” Come on up!

For more info and to register email adina@adinalewittes.com

(*proposed group maximum)